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KE8RO/TF from 1997 & 1998 |
I recently was doing some computer work on the "family" computer and located some of my old .ADIF files from previous logbooks. Once I found these, I noticed I had logs exported from my previous Icelandic operations and also my visit to Alaska in 2002 operation. It was great that I got to experience both of these operations with my long time friend (hell, my almost brother) Sean, KL1SF. Our operation was from Keflavik, Iceland and my Alaska operation when I was a tourist, was from Healy, which is north of where I now reside.
With that said, I renewed my previous callsign first, KE8RO using TQSLcert with LOTW (Logbook Of The World). Once that was renewed, I then applied for my new TF (Iceland) operation under my KE8RO callsign using TQSLcert (TQ5). I submitted my request prior to heading to bed and it was waiting in my inbox the next morning! So, it took a bit of tweaking to my .adif file but after uploading, I had these QSO's (contacts) confirmed (see photo above)! Not bad considering the age of the QSO's. I uploaded a total of 278 contacts.
I'm happy that these contacts will now be preserved and hopefully this inspires some to upload their old logs. You just never know what's sitting there awaiting a confirmation. My only issue now is finding my KL7/KE8RO .adif file! That one has gone missing but I may have some software that can pull it out of one of my old logbooks which did not export .adif files. Either way, I'm on a quest to get those contacts uploaded next.
We just had another Chinook blow through with wind gusts exceeding 60 mph here at our QTH (location). On the backside of this system is the snow, which we are receiving now. I normally crank my beam down from it's normal 43 foot height but this wind was originally forecasted to gust only 40 mph and once it was upgraded, it was too late for me to safely lower the antenna. But, it appears all elevated metal came through with flying colors, thankfully! Many have commented about seeing the snow that some parts of Alaska has recently received, such as in Valdez and Cordova. We don't even get close to that type of snow amounts here and in seeing the pictures, it's just unbelievable what that amount of snow looks like! I'm wishing all the best to my ham friends (and fellow Alaskan's) effected by such crazy weather! I complain about the weather here from time to time but really, I can't complain when I see what others in this great state experience. Winds exceeding 100+ mph and unbelievable amounts of snow!
Last weekend I participated in the SKCC Weekend Sprintathon as K3Y/KL7. I enjoyed exercising my Navy Flameproof Straight Key and passing out the K3Y and Alaskan multiplier. I was also impressed with the number of QRP stations I worked! Being a QRP (low power) operator, I always try to pause for those low power friends. When the high bands are in good shape, great things are possible with QRP. I will try to sign up for a few more stints as time allows. Oh, and I also got my brand new Yaesu FT-857D hooked up and a straight key wired for it (J-37 thanks to Larry, N1TX) and I'm looking forward to my first CW QSO with it. Not sure yet who will be my first CW victim but I have someone in mind. My first SSB contact will be with (of course) KL1SF/K7, in AZ. It will be short lived in the shack as it will eventually find a home in our truck.
I've been working on some recently received QSL requests and I need to decide on my next photo QSL card. I have used photos I have taken during my travels here in Denali National Park for all of my photo QSL cards to date. I change up my cards for each order, using a different photograph. Just gotta make up my mind as I'm nearly out but I do have a very nice stack of QSL cards from gg Graphics that I plan on putting to good use. Great service and very nice cards. I have 1,000 of them so chances are, if you work me, you may just get one if you QSL via the bureau. Since photo cards are a bit more expensive, I normally use them for direct requests and I have a second design for my thousands of requests I get via the ARRL QSL Bureau.
I have a busy weekend planned but I hope to do some operating in the NAQP CW Contest. I won't be able to operate the entire time but hopefully I can put a few of my Twitter followers in the ol logbook. Oh, and yes contesters, Alaska is a state in this contest!! Yea I know, it can be confusing at times, even to us...
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