This is also the year the Alaska celebrates 50 years of Alaska Statehood. What does all this mean? A party as big as the State of Alaska. What party you may ask? See the official news release below;
The Alaska 50th Anniversary of Statehood Special Event will be on the air October 18, 2009 from 1800Z until October 19, 2009, 0600Z. There will be fifteen or more stations on from around the state of Alaska all using KL5O (kilo lima five oscar). We will be on all bands/modes, from 160 through 10 meters, including the WARC bands. This would be a good opportunity for those stations needing Alaska on a particular band or mode to make that needed QSO. Operation will be scheduled to facilitate working North American stations, though all stations worldwide are encouraged to participate.
Making a QSO in this event qualifies as credit for Alaska in the ARRL Year Of The State QSO Party.
QSL confirmation will be electronically via LOTW, eQSL and via mail to AC7DX with SASE for a colorful commemorative QSL card.
The website for this event is http://www.kl5o.com.
Myself along with many other Alaskan Ham Radio Operators will be participating. Bookmark the link above and check it often. I will not be missing out on the fun so mark your calendars and make sure you don't miss this great opportunity to hear and work Alaska on all bands and many modes! There has not been this much excitement in Alaska since Sara Palin was announced as a running mate to John McCain! Well, you know what I mean...